Thursday, April 30, 2009

How to Manifest Money, Beyond Visualization and Affirmations

If you've heard of The Law of Attraction, you might currently be using it to try and manifest opportunities for your online money making success. I know I am! It's working, but sometimes I seem to hit roadblocks. When I discovered this REALLY interesting system that helps you speak to your subconscious through your dreams, I got excited. See, I sometimes need more than just the fluff to help me understand how this science works. Since I've been using my dreams to make requests, work through troubling issues and release energy blocks, my life has improved considerably and I'm seeing my online money making progress increase substantially!

These guys are now offering a FREE audio and links to several videos for your perusal. This is really interesting stuff, and if you're into the Law of Attraction and co-creating your own existence through awareness and meditation, or affirmations and positive thinking, this free audio and report is a MUST! Read below to see what they have to say and click the links to get your free info now.

As part of their campaign to help raise people's consciousness levels, the guys at Super Mind Evolution System have released a powerful free Alpha Mind Control audio.

Visit the link below to access the audio and see a video that explains more -

If you have difficulty winding down after a stressful day, listening to the track in the evening after the work day is very beneficial. Also, the Alpha track is very useful to use when you need to access a higher part of yourself to solve problems.

The research has found that listening to the Alpha track twice a day, at approximately the same time every day for 30 days, will yield extraordinary results creating cerebral hemispheric synchronization, sense of peace and well being, clarity of thought and significant reduction in the harmful effects of stress.

Not only can this help to improve your life, but as you'll soon discover, this could hold the key to the evolution of mankind...

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

The consciousness revolution has begun...

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