Sunday, March 23, 2008

FREE last week's Zany Zodiacs for Monday, March 17th – Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

Get this week's Zany Zodiac Horoscopes at Bloomdrop's Variety Shop or on the SLexchange. Look for your FREE Zany Zodiacs T-shirts as well.

Here are last week's horoscopes...
What’s Ur Zign?

Week 12
Zany Zodiac for the week of Monday, March 17th – Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)
Everything and everyone is a-buzz all around you. Are you listening? The stars are still aligned perfectly for any decisions you’re feeling need attention this week, but all the commotion keeps you in a rush. Because of your upbeat attitude, a difficult decision might be harder to make, but you know it needs to be handled. Take a breath and slow it down to grab that perfect moment to do an about-face. Keep your understanding friends nearby and all will go well. Once that load’s off your chest, look for an opportunity to get some fresh air. You closed a door, and as always, a new one will be opening very soon.

Your focus this week: Decisions

Aries/Whirlybird - With your 'whirled-class' energy, you are restless and often take on more than you can handle, but people love your dynamic spirit and are attracted to your animated personality.

Ocean Waves
Taurus (Apr20- May 20)
Monday, March 17th – Sunday, March 23rd, 2008
Your goals have shifted and that may put you a bit out of sorts. You get to decide how to approach things and your outlook will affect the end result. Open up your mind to new possibilities and enjoy the ride. If you accept the challenge of making a switch, you might discover something enjoyable that is missing from your life; maybe something great from your past. If you resist and hold on to your old habits, you’ll likely experience one disaster after another. And how can you handle disaster if your head is in the sand?

Your focus this week: Approach
Taurus/Ocean Waves - Like the ocean, you are steady, sturdy and patient. You are reliable and stick to your habits. Look out, though, if someone rocks the boat. Your power and fury are a force to be reckoned with.

Organic Chemist
Gemini (May21 - Jun20)
Monday, March 17th – Sunday, March 23rd, 2008
You’re on target this week and your head is clear. Take advantage and share your thoughts and ideas with others. If you’ve been needing to form a team of people for a work project, sporting event, or party, now’s the time. Your chemistry will create the perfect scene, without much effort on your part. Name the time and place and friends will show up with bells on. Once everyone’s in the same place, take a moment to evaluate who’s who. Someone new will stick out from the crowd. It’s your job now to discover who that person really is.

Your focus this week: Discovery

Organic Chemist/Gemini - You are stimulating and imaginative; always the creator. Whether it's a clever twist on an old invention or adapting to a new situation, your chemistry is both amazing and awesome.

Cancer (Jun21 - Jul22)
Monday, March 17th – Sunday, March 23rd, 2008
It’s still all about you this week and you should be feeling absolutely joyful! You might want to show off, soak up the limelight, and share this feeling with EVERYONE! That’s all well and good, but tone it down a bit if you meet up with old friends. You’ve got some new situations in the works that might intimidate others. You’ll need to mask your newfound enlightenment just a bit for now. When the time is right you’ll be able to break the news and bring everyone in on your grand plan. For now, keep close to loved ones and keep working on your dream.

Your focus this week: Joy
Cancer/Masquerade - Your powerful emotional commitment helps motivate you and others to get things done. You are sensitive to your environment and seek balance in using your mask to everyone's best advantage.

Two-Way Mirror
Leo (Jul23 - Aug22)
Monday, March 17th – Sunday, March 23rd, 2008
You’ll need both sides of that mirror this week. Take a look into your side and you’ll see that smiling face of yours, and all the others who admire your simple greatness. Take a moment to admire the addition of some knowledge you’ve recently gained and the beauty of how you’ve already applied it. Now, give that mirror a spin. What do you see? Hmmmm…that’s interesting, isn’t it? You might decide that you need a little more information before taking a plunge at work or at home. Don’t jump into anything or fall victim to someone’s persuasive ways. Though it might be out of character, take the time you need to figure out which direction is best for you.

Your focus this week: Steadiness
Leo/Two-Way Mirror - You take pride in your broad-minded outlook, and others admire that and your loyalty. You speak firmly and keep an optimistic and watchful eye. Necessary but, mundane details easily discourage you.

Cuckoo Clock
Virgo (Aug23 - Sep22)
Monday, March 17th – Sunday, March 23rd, 2008
Things are running smoothly, but you’ll need to give that clock a shot of grease to make sure you can glide through the week without problems. Make sure you stay open-minded to new suggestions, or you’ll notice things breaking down all around you. That’s not to say you should not look out for yourself, as well. You’re usually the best decision-maker for your own plans. Stick to what works, but always be ready for someone else’s input. Once you’re finished fine-tuning and sliding through the week with ease, get ready to let go of those mundane details that usually keep you pumped and try something new. A good break makes you even more effective when you get back to business.

Your focus this week: Open-mindedness
Virgo/Cuckoo Clock - You are on task, by the hour! Action-oriented, your heart flutters at organization. You can be critical, at times, and focusing too much on others makes you vulnerable.

Libra (Sep23 - Oct22)
Monday, March 17th – Sunday, March 23rd, 2008
You might still be feeling the effects of your new garden spot. It seems like all the crows have nested around you and they won’t stop squawking! You’ll probably find yourself going all out to make a stir and shut everyone up. That may not be necessary so give it some thought before you make a big fuss and possibly scare off some of those crows for good. You know you kinda like their company, despite all the noise, so think about how to keep your cool and go about resolution in a calm and friendly way.

Your focus this week: Staying Calm
Libra/Scarecrow - Your charm attracts all the beautiful birds and all the cackling crows, but you stand tall and keep up the good work. You can be gullible, so watch where you let those birds land!

Double Dagger, Scorpio (Oct23 - Nov21)
Monday, March 17th – Sunday, March 23rd, 2008
You’re still holding tight to that dagger in wait of anyone or anything that might try to get in your way. That’s a perfect position for you, sometimes. This week’s not the time. Take a moment to set it down and admire the blade for a bit. Maybe even give it a good shining. You may discover an answer in the reflection that’s probably been there the whole time. Decide to become one with the complicated situation you are in. Settle back and enjoy the challenges, because you’ll come out on top in the end. Keep in mind that once you figure it out and arrive on the other side, you’ll miss this moment a little. Enjoy your thoughts.

Your focus this week: Challenges
Scorpio/Double Dagger - Your emotional strength is the envy of everyone in town, but there's a flip side! If you feel rejected, jealousy, possessiveness and an unforgiving attitude can surface quickly.

Party Hat, Sagittarius (Nov22 - Dec21)
Monday, March 17th – Sunday, March 23rd, 2008
Things are back in order and you’re feeling high on life. If you aren’t, you can easily get there. Pick a favorite party hat, maybe one you haven’t worn in a while, and put on a happy face. The stars will line up as soon as you do and you can proceed with your happy-go-lucky self. No matter how you’re feeling, you can look back on a few key past experiences and take a bit to recollect the best points of those times. Figure out how to incorporate those happy memories into your current scheme and live it up! This new combination could be a road that leads to lasting memories!

Your focus this week: Memories
Sagittarius/Party Hat - Your party lights are always burning and they shimmer and shine no matter where you are. You have a need for independence, so you always keep an escape route for 'party plan B'!

Brass Gavel, Capricorn (Dec22 - Jan19)
Monday, March 17th – Sunday, March 23rd, 2008
This is the week to use your talents and do what you do best! You’ll start out slow, but stick to it and keep plugging. Once things start rolling there will be no turning back. You know what you should be focused on now and don’t let others tell you different. Do be polite, however, when your loved ones question your motives. Don’t put them on trial! They care about you and you know how they can be, so take it with a grain of salt and you’ll be fine. They know your level of talent, as well, so get some things in order so you can present them with part of your new plan without hesitation.

Your focus this week: Politeness
Capricorn/Brass Gavel - With a basic need for structure and guidelines, you hammer down and get the job done. You crave closeness with others, but you can sometimes be an overbearing perfectionist.

Starburst, Aquarius (Jan20 - Feb18)
Monday, March 17th – Sunday, March 23rd, 2008
This is the week to become one with that untapped pizzazz that you hold deep inside. You’re bursting with creative juices and you’re sure to make something grand happen in the coming weeks. You might intimidate a few people along the way, but you’re used to that. Be prepared to be met with questions, as well as insults, from some people around you. Don’t pay any attention to them right now. Use your own intuition and help from those on your side. You have the power to line up your own stars and you’ll be on target to do just that. Look out world. Stars are bursting!

Your focus this week: Pizzazz
Aquarius/Starburst - Stars are not the only thing people see when they look at you! You are inventive, intellectual and interesting! Sometimes, however, your stargazing gets out of control. You can be detached and overly idealistic.

Autumn Leaf, Pisces (Feb19 - Mar20)
Monday, March 17th – Sunday, March 23rd, 2008
You’ve still got nay-sayers knocking at your door! You might have the tendency to want to lock the doors and windows and hide indoors. Do take a breather every now and then and some time for yourself, but don’t stay there long. You’ll need the wind in your hair to get going with your new plans. The air is hot, but your breeze is cool, so enjoy these days of preparation and ask questions and gain knowledge from every situation that pops up; good, bad or indifferent. Stay keen, stick to your choices, blow off negativity and get a move on.

Your focus this week: Preparation
Pisces/Autumn Leaf - Your creative side is as expressive as autumn leaves. You are a social butterfly and compassionate with others. On the flip side, you are sometimes unrealistic or impractical which can lead to the blues.

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