(I wrote this article for Associated Content...thought I'd share with you)
So the other night, I had this dream....
More about that in a minute.
I'm curious as to what would happen if we removed our emotions from the decisions we make at the polls. I'm not a politically charged person by nature. I don't generally spend alot of time collecting the proper amount of knowledge to make a truly informed decision on what's best for our country, our states, or our general well-being as a population. Do you? Do you really spend alot of time researching the TRUTH? Do any of us know the truth? Or do you listen to your neighbor, with his opinions based loosely somewhere around what he heard on the radio last week, or what he's decided is HIS truth, since nurture played a larger role in his upbringing than did nature? I've heard stories, and speeches, and rants, and slander from every direction, and going in every direction. How is it possible, do tell me, that any of us can really make an informed decision? From what we hear on the news, and in television commercials?
If you're looking for me to answer that question now, I'm sorry to disappoint. I don't have the answer, and I hope that you realize you don't either. This is in no way to discourage you from making your favored selection on Tuesday. By all means, give your opinion. But understand that's all it is. How many of us know these candidates well? How many of us realize just what's in store for us once the decision is made? How would we decide if our thoughts were completely devoid of any emotional charge, and solely based on fact? If Barack Obama's color didn't bother us, and Sarah Palin's gender didn't bother us. How would we decide if we weren't completely irate with the shenanigans of the past 8 years? Or if we understood that our government has much more control over what we see and hear than we know about? And if that fact didn't make us more angry than we already are?
Now that I've filled your head with a thousand questions, let me tell you about my dream. I walked into a room, and spotted Sarah Palin hunched over in the corner, by some cabinets. I looked a little more closely, and noticed that she was shooting heroin. Yep, seriously. I thought quick, something I don't generally do while awake, and snapped a picture of it with my cell phone. As I started to walk away, her goons came after me, and I woke up, with cell phone in hand! Much to my dismay, without any actual pictures of Sarah; heroin or not.
Now, what on Earth does this mean? I'm leaving it up to you to give me your opinions, answers, interpretations, etc. There are a million different ways you can decipher what this dream means to me, what it means to you, and what it might mean to your neighbor. The symbolism involved in this dream was for me personally, but it was also to be shared with you. Fill up your explanation of my dream with all your opinions, your similar experiences, your rage-filled insults, and your comedic retorts. The answers that you give, my friends, are based on the same experiences, and opinions that will be driving your answers on Tuesday. Ask yourself why you read this article, and how it made you feel. Then ask yourself why you feel the way you do about each of our candidates, and how your feelings will affect the outcome of this election, and our country's future. Is Sarah Palin a heroine? Is John McCain a villain? Is Barack Obama a direct descendant of Osama Bin Laden? Well, their names do sound alot alike! Let's get real. Take another look at what you can see, and remove yourself from your feelings. Make a decision based on the truth, if you know where to find it.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Zany Zodiacs This Week Oct 26th - Nov 1st
What’s Ur Zign?
Zany Zodiacs for Sunday, October 26th to Saturday, November 1st, 2008
(don't forget to take our Zany Zodiacs Offbeat Survey)
Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)
This week is about trying something new. There’s something that’s always nagged at the back of your mind. You’ve come up with ... Read more...
Ocean Waves
Taurus (Apr20- May 20)
Roll with the flow this week as some new events, and people come around. You might not be used to the types of ... Read more...
Organic Chemist
Gemini (May21 - Jun20)
If you believe in fate and destiny, then you can count on the two of them this week to help get some things back ... Read more...
Cancer (Jun21 - Jul22)
After motoring through everything you’ve faced for the last few weeks, things are really starting to look up. You’ve done ... Read more...
Two-Way Mirror
Leo (Jul23 - Aug22)
If you notice any crows this week, pay attention! The more annoying they are with that caw caw sound, the more ... Read more...
Cuckoo Clock
Virgo (Aug23 - Sep22)
Ever heard of numerology? Even if the answer is no, it’s ok, because you’ll still notice the number 3 popping out ... Read more...
Libra (Sep23 - Oct22)
Scarecrow, you’ve got a few areas in which you are an expert, and many of them are much more important ... Read more...
Double Dagger, Scorpio (Oct23 - Nov21)
You’ve spent the last few months, maybe years, carving out all of the layers that make you who you are. You’re as ... Read more...
Party Hat, Sagittarius (Nov22 - Dec21)
Can you think of all the people, places and things that have given you joy and pleasure recently? It’s time to stir up ... Read more...
Brass Gavel, Capricorn (Dec22 - Jan19)
Things are flowing nicely for you. You’ve done well keeping control when necessary, and allowing freedom ... Read more...
Starburst, Aquarius (Jan20 - Feb18)
You may have recently met with an unexpected snag in your grand plan. Have no fear, Starburst, your magic works ... Read more...
Autumn Leaf, Pisces (Feb19 - Mar20)
Recently, you’re finding your own way quite nicely. The seasonal changes have treated you very well this year, and ... Read more...
What’s Ur Zign?
Zany Zodiacs for Sunday, October 26th to Saturday, November 1st, 2008
(don't forget to take our Zany Zodiacs Offbeat Survey)
Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)
This week is about trying something new. There’s something that’s always nagged at the back of your mind. You’ve come up with ... Read more...
Ocean Waves
Taurus (Apr20- May 20)
Roll with the flow this week as some new events, and people come around. You might not be used to the types of ... Read more...
Organic Chemist
Gemini (May21 - Jun20)
If you believe in fate and destiny, then you can count on the two of them this week to help get some things back ... Read more...
Cancer (Jun21 - Jul22)
After motoring through everything you’ve faced for the last few weeks, things are really starting to look up. You’ve done ... Read more...
Two-Way Mirror
Leo (Jul23 - Aug22)
If you notice any crows this week, pay attention! The more annoying they are with that caw caw sound, the more ... Read more...
Cuckoo Clock
Virgo (Aug23 - Sep22)
Ever heard of numerology? Even if the answer is no, it’s ok, because you’ll still notice the number 3 popping out ... Read more...
Libra (Sep23 - Oct22)
Scarecrow, you’ve got a few areas in which you are an expert, and many of them are much more important ... Read more...
Double Dagger, Scorpio (Oct23 - Nov21)
You’ve spent the last few months, maybe years, carving out all of the layers that make you who you are. You’re as ... Read more...
Party Hat, Sagittarius (Nov22 - Dec21)
Can you think of all the people, places and things that have given you joy and pleasure recently? It’s time to stir up ... Read more...
Brass Gavel, Capricorn (Dec22 - Jan19)
Things are flowing nicely for you. You’ve done well keeping control when necessary, and allowing freedom ... Read more...
Starburst, Aquarius (Jan20 - Feb18)
You may have recently met with an unexpected snag in your grand plan. Have no fear, Starburst, your magic works ... Read more...
Autumn Leaf, Pisces (Feb19 - Mar20)
Recently, you’re finding your own way quite nicely. The seasonal changes have treated you very well this year, and ... Read more...
Friday, October 24, 2008
How to Make a Decision Using Your Body and Kinesiology
Your body has an energy field, and this energy field acts and reacts towards all other fields of energy, thought and event. Kinesiology is the focus of how the body functions and moves. There are a few muscle tests, and body tests, that can be used to help you make a decision, based upon your own internal reactions in your energy field. Making a proper decision has never been easier! Read on...
One way to make a decision using your body is called the 'Sway Test.' Stand up and relax your shoulders and your knees. In order to get you used to this, so you can see the accurate results, is to start with a Yes or No question that you know the answer to. Say out loud, 'My Name is _______' (of course, inserting your own name.) You should feel your body sway slightly forward. Now when you say out loud, 'My Name is ________' and you say a name that is not your own, you should sway slightly backwards. Practice until you can notice the sway. It may take a few times. Once you're swaying appropriately, you can ask any number of yes or no questions, make statements, or even find out which products are healthiest for your body. Try it out next time you're at the store. Hold certain foods in your hand and see which way your body sways. This will give you excellent insight into which foods your body wants, and which foods to avoid.
Another way to make a decision using your body's natural reactive properties, is Finger Dowsing. Simply, make a circle with your index finger and thumb. Again, you may want to test this with the 'my name is' from above. Once you see the differences between true and false, again you can ask any series of yes or no questions, or make statements to see the results. If YES, your fingers will remain locked together. If NO, you'll notice your strength is reduced and your fingers will open slightly to all the way.
Another form of dowsing is used by rubbing your hand across any smooth surface, or rubbing your hands together. Choose one of these to test. Think YES in your mind and rub the surface, or your hands. You should notice a 'smooth' action. Think NO in your mind, and you should notice a more 'sticky' surface. You may have to do this a couple of times to notice the subtle change. Once you discover the difference between 'smooth' and 'sticky,' this is a surprisingly accurate means to an answer.
There are also many tools and other methods used for dowsing. A simple search on Google for keywords dowsing, kinesiology, and/or muscle testing should provide you with many informative results.
Dowsing and body work takes a bit of practice and patience. Some people may find consistency much more quickly than others. With proper use and an open mind, any of the above methods, in addition to other methods of dowsing and muscle testing, can become a very reliable method of living the healthiest life possible.
One way to make a decision using your body is called the 'Sway Test.' Stand up and relax your shoulders and your knees. In order to get you used to this, so you can see the accurate results, is to start with a Yes or No question that you know the answer to. Say out loud, 'My Name is _______' (of course, inserting your own name.) You should feel your body sway slightly forward. Now when you say out loud, 'My Name is ________' and you say a name that is not your own, you should sway slightly backwards. Practice until you can notice the sway. It may take a few times. Once you're swaying appropriately, you can ask any number of yes or no questions, make statements, or even find out which products are healthiest for your body. Try it out next time you're at the store. Hold certain foods in your hand and see which way your body sways. This will give you excellent insight into which foods your body wants, and which foods to avoid.
Another way to make a decision using your body's natural reactive properties, is Finger Dowsing. Simply, make a circle with your index finger and thumb. Again, you may want to test this with the 'my name is' from above. Once you see the differences between true and false, again you can ask any series of yes or no questions, or make statements to see the results. If YES, your fingers will remain locked together. If NO, you'll notice your strength is reduced and your fingers will open slightly to all the way.
Another form of dowsing is used by rubbing your hand across any smooth surface, or rubbing your hands together. Choose one of these to test. Think YES in your mind and rub the surface, or your hands. You should notice a 'smooth' action. Think NO in your mind, and you should notice a more 'sticky' surface. You may have to do this a couple of times to notice the subtle change. Once you discover the difference between 'smooth' and 'sticky,' this is a surprisingly accurate means to an answer.
There are also many tools and other methods used for dowsing. A simple search on Google for keywords dowsing, kinesiology, and/or muscle testing should provide you with many informative results.
Dowsing and body work takes a bit of practice and patience. Some people may find consistency much more quickly than others. With proper use and an open mind, any of the above methods, in addition to other methods of dowsing and muscle testing, can become a very reliable method of living the healthiest life possible.
How to Communicate with a Psychic Pet
If you have ever had pets, you might wonder if your pets are psychic. We hear stories about how pets save their owners by dialing telephones, and dragging them from the raging flames of a fire. When people move or change residences, pets will sometimes turn up at their old homes, as far away as thousands of miles. Your pets can even sense when you're getting ready to leave for vacation. So, is your pet psychic?
It seems easy for some people to believe that pets are psychic. In fact, every living thing has a connection with the universal source, and with each other. Some people and pets are more in tune with this connection, therefore, for those, it's easier to see, hear, and feel with this sixth sense. The first thing to do to develop your psychic and spiritual connection with your pet is talk. Talk to your pet however makes you most comfortable. If you already do this; great! Pets love attention, and affection just as much as humans do. By speaking to your animals, you are showing them that you love and care for them, and this will make them more comfortable with you.
Once you are comfortable with the level of verbal communication, you might start to pay attention to your pet's behavior. Pets will act certain ways, and hold their bodies at certain postures, to communicate different thoughts and feelings. After a time of assessing these clues from your pet, you will start to notice a pattern, and be better equipped to make sense of it. For example: if your cat's tail is straight up, this usually means your cat is relaxed and happy. Another example is the position of your dogs ears. You already know that if your dogs' ears are perked, that they are using their heightened listening skills to hear something that you're maybe not able to hear. Watching a pet's body language can be very telling, and can get you closer to gaining the ability to communicate by psychic means.
It is possible to communicate telepathically with your pet. It is also possible to gain better understanding of your pet's particular way of communicating by sitting quietly and close with your pet. While you are both calm and relaxed, you might notice any number of sensations. These sensations could come in the form of colors, smells, or blocks of thought.
Keep in mind that your imagination can help you along. Even if you have a thought that seems silly, think about how 'out of the blue' it might be, and try to piece together how it might refer to a message from your pet. Once you practice a bit, you will understand how your particular pet likes to communicate, and you'll be better able to understand and care for the particular needs of each pet.
It is also possible that pets that pass on will attempt to communicate with you. If you've never experienced this, don't rule it out. Many people have reported seeing their pets as 'ghosts' long after they have passed. Depending upon the strength of your relationship with a particular pet, you may notice similar traits in a new pet. This could be a sign that your beloved pet has reincarnated to be with you once again. Don't rule this out either. It's a very real possibility.
In any case, all your pets look to you for support and love. If the best you can do is provide a warm, loving, healthy environment for your pets, they will be perfectly satisfied. Psychic communications are simply another way for you to connect with your pets.
It seems easy for some people to believe that pets are psychic. In fact, every living thing has a connection with the universal source, and with each other. Some people and pets are more in tune with this connection, therefore, for those, it's easier to see, hear, and feel with this sixth sense. The first thing to do to develop your psychic and spiritual connection with your pet is talk. Talk to your pet however makes you most comfortable. If you already do this; great! Pets love attention, and affection just as much as humans do. By speaking to your animals, you are showing them that you love and care for them, and this will make them more comfortable with you.
Once you are comfortable with the level of verbal communication, you might start to pay attention to your pet's behavior. Pets will act certain ways, and hold their bodies at certain postures, to communicate different thoughts and feelings. After a time of assessing these clues from your pet, you will start to notice a pattern, and be better equipped to make sense of it. For example: if your cat's tail is straight up, this usually means your cat is relaxed and happy. Another example is the position of your dogs ears. You already know that if your dogs' ears are perked, that they are using their heightened listening skills to hear something that you're maybe not able to hear. Watching a pet's body language can be very telling, and can get you closer to gaining the ability to communicate by psychic means.
It is possible to communicate telepathically with your pet. It is also possible to gain better understanding of your pet's particular way of communicating by sitting quietly and close with your pet. While you are both calm and relaxed, you might notice any number of sensations. These sensations could come in the form of colors, smells, or blocks of thought.
Keep in mind that your imagination can help you along. Even if you have a thought that seems silly, think about how 'out of the blue' it might be, and try to piece together how it might refer to a message from your pet. Once you practice a bit, you will understand how your particular pet likes to communicate, and you'll be better able to understand and care for the particular needs of each pet.
It is also possible that pets that pass on will attempt to communicate with you. If you've never experienced this, don't rule it out. Many people have reported seeing their pets as 'ghosts' long after they have passed. Depending upon the strength of your relationship with a particular pet, you may notice similar traits in a new pet. This could be a sign that your beloved pet has reincarnated to be with you once again. Don't rule this out either. It's a very real possibility.
In any case, all your pets look to you for support and love. If the best you can do is provide a warm, loving, healthy environment for your pets, they will be perfectly satisfied. Psychic communications are simply another way for you to connect with your pets.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Anyone ever told you you're too sensitive?
This post is at the askShar.com forums, on the free boards. Feel free to reply here on blogspot, or at the forums. As a note, the askShar forums have a special running until the end of October. Signup for the paid forums, to get access to psychic readings and dream interpretations! $9.95 for 10 days...check it out. You don't want to miss the fun. On to the post...
I've been hearing that my whole life. I'm too sensitive. I cry too much. Blah blah blah. Unfortunately, because of all the harrassment, I moved further into the 'cold as ice' category! However, great as I've become at hiding behind a wall, I still feel everything. I'm starting to realize that this may be a gift, not a curse! Though, in order for this gift to realize it's full potential, I realize I've got some work to do.
A little background: I've discovered that I'm very sensitive to other people's feelings. When someone is upset or angry around me, whether it's AT me or at another situation that doesn't even involve me, I still feel pressure from those feelings. It's almost like it changes my entire cosmic make-up. I'm not sure if I feel like I need to do something to make those feelings go away, or what, but I feel some connection and responsibility to other people's feelings. It's a physical feeling inside my body. Does this happen to you? Throughout my life, I've not been aware of what this is about, so it's been misused and created some ill feelings for others and myself. I never knew how to explain it, or deal with it, so it always came out wrong, and inevitably made people around me feel even worse. I've always just wanted to help people through whatever they are feeling, cause I feel it too!!!!!
So, my questions are these: Does this have anything to do with being an empath? And, if so, how can I channel this ill feeling into something constructive for the person I'm feeling it from, and for myself?
I've been hearing that my whole life. I'm too sensitive. I cry too much. Blah blah blah. Unfortunately, because of all the harrassment, I moved further into the 'cold as ice' category! However, great as I've become at hiding behind a wall, I still feel everything. I'm starting to realize that this may be a gift, not a curse! Though, in order for this gift to realize it's full potential, I realize I've got some work to do.
A little background: I've discovered that I'm very sensitive to other people's feelings. When someone is upset or angry around me, whether it's AT me or at another situation that doesn't even involve me, I still feel pressure from those feelings. It's almost like it changes my entire cosmic make-up. I'm not sure if I feel like I need to do something to make those feelings go away, or what, but I feel some connection and responsibility to other people's feelings. It's a physical feeling inside my body. Does this happen to you? Throughout my life, I've not been aware of what this is about, so it's been misused and created some ill feelings for others and myself. I never knew how to explain it, or deal with it, so it always came out wrong, and inevitably made people around me feel even worse. I've always just wanted to help people through whatever they are feeling, cause I feel it too!!!!!
So, my questions are these: Does this have anything to do with being an empath? And, if so, how can I channel this ill feeling into something constructive for the person I'm feeling it from, and for myself?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
New Zany Zodiacs Horoscopes for Week of Sunday, October 19th to Saturday, October 25th, 2008
What’s Ur Zign?
Zany Zodiacs for Sunday, October 19th to Saturday, October 25th, 2008
(don't forget to take our Zany Zodiacs Offbeat Survey)
Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)
If you’re feeling a bit disorganized, think about which way you’re trying to head. Instead of whirling aimlessly... Read more...
Ocean Waves
Taurus (Apr20- May 20)
Ocean Waves are steady. The tides come and go, reliably. That’s you. But every once in a while... Read more...
Organic Chemist
Gemini (May21 - Jun20)
Things are rolling right along. The changes you’ve made to your master plan are in motion and... Read more...
Cancer (Jun21 - Jul22)
When we’re faced with a new phenomenon, sometimes it can be a little frightening. You’ve been seeing, hearing, and... Read more...
Two-Way Mirror
Leo (Jul23 - Aug22)
Have you been getting praise from unexpected places? If yes, that’s great. You’ve earned it. Your confidence is working well... Read more...
Cuckoo Clock
Virgo (Aug23 - Sep22)
Ahh…what a great flow you’ve had going for the past couple of weeks. Doesn’t it feel nice to be at least somewhat... Read more...
Libra (Sep23 - Oct22)
This is a week for reflection. The frosty season is on it’s way, and you might be feeling like preparing for hibernation... Read more...
Double Dagger, Scorpio (Oct23 - Nov21)
You’re armed with the sharpest dagger in town right now. But no one knows it, because you’re boxing yourself in. Think carefully... Read more...
Party Hat, Sagittarius (Nov22 - Dec21)
The ‘cool’ season has officially arrived. Time to recycle the old, and blast in something fresh. Dig through your closets... Read more...
Brass Gavel, Capricorn (Dec22 - Jan19)
You’ve recently rubbed elbows with some key people to help you with your grand plans. Bring them in closer and work... Read more...
Starburst, Aquarius (Jan20 - Feb18)
Since your eyes are to the stars most of the time anyway, we’ll tell you to just keep it right up! You gain insight and... Read more...
Autumn Leaf, Pisces (Feb19 - Mar20)
Surely you’ve noticed the new connections that have been presenting themselves as of late. Have you noticed... Read more...
What’s Ur Zign?
Zany Zodiacs for Sunday, October 19th to Saturday, October 25th, 2008
(don't forget to take our Zany Zodiacs Offbeat Survey)
Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)
If you’re feeling a bit disorganized, think about which way you’re trying to head. Instead of whirling aimlessly... Read more...
Ocean Waves
Taurus (Apr20- May 20)
Ocean Waves are steady. The tides come and go, reliably. That’s you. But every once in a while... Read more...
Organic Chemist
Gemini (May21 - Jun20)
Things are rolling right along. The changes you’ve made to your master plan are in motion and... Read more...
Cancer (Jun21 - Jul22)
When we’re faced with a new phenomenon, sometimes it can be a little frightening. You’ve been seeing, hearing, and... Read more...
Two-Way Mirror
Leo (Jul23 - Aug22)
Have you been getting praise from unexpected places? If yes, that’s great. You’ve earned it. Your confidence is working well... Read more...
Cuckoo Clock
Virgo (Aug23 - Sep22)
Ahh…what a great flow you’ve had going for the past couple of weeks. Doesn’t it feel nice to be at least somewhat... Read more...
Libra (Sep23 - Oct22)
This is a week for reflection. The frosty season is on it’s way, and you might be feeling like preparing for hibernation... Read more...
Double Dagger, Scorpio (Oct23 - Nov21)
You’re armed with the sharpest dagger in town right now. But no one knows it, because you’re boxing yourself in. Think carefully... Read more...
Party Hat, Sagittarius (Nov22 - Dec21)
The ‘cool’ season has officially arrived. Time to recycle the old, and blast in something fresh. Dig through your closets... Read more...
Brass Gavel, Capricorn (Dec22 - Jan19)
You’ve recently rubbed elbows with some key people to help you with your grand plans. Bring them in closer and work... Read more...
Starburst, Aquarius (Jan20 - Feb18)
Since your eyes are to the stars most of the time anyway, we’ll tell you to just keep it right up! You gain insight and... Read more...
Autumn Leaf, Pisces (Feb19 - Mar20)
Surely you’ve noticed the new connections that have been presenting themselves as of late. Have you noticed... Read more...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Paid Online Surveys - Legitimate or Scams? Final Answer
Okay...in addition to Zany Zodiacs Free Weekly Horoscopes, I've also taken it upon myself to try to cut through the black sea of scam survey sites to give people the skinny on how to actually earn extra income taking scam free, legitimate paid online surveys. If you hate surveys, just ignore me today, cause I'm on a rant. We'll get back to the psychic and astrological stuff shortly!
This undertaking reminds me of my high school study hall class. I got caught whispering during study hall and I questioned authority. The answer I received is that the teachers used to allow talking in study hall until it got out of hand. Apparently, as you can imagine, kids got loud, rambunctious, crazy, wild, and uncontrollable until the rule was made... no talking during study hall. I remember thinking immediately, wow...a few pests ruined it for the rest of us; forever! This paid survey thing is the same way. There are so many people out there claiming to be legitimate just because they make a few bucks, or even cents, if you sign your email box away to 50 million spammers trying to sell you every piece of crap under the sun. So much so, that no one will listen to me. So I've got Google Ads on my website, which help me to fund the free directory, but each and every Online Survey Company listed in my main directory is a legitimate marketing research company, free to join, offering cash, prizes and sweepstakes entries, just for giving your opinion. I take these surveys and I just received a check in the mail today for 20 bucks! For like 30 minutes of my time. That's $40 per hour. Do you make $40 per hour? If you do, I'm sooooo jealous! :P
The point is this: you can't make $40 straight for a week. This isn't going to pay your mortgage. But you can use this as extra money to buy that pair of Nike's you've had your eye on, go out to eat in the middle of a nationwide financial crisis, or simply put it toward the electric bill. There ARE legitimate survey companies out there and they are listed at SurveyMoneyMakers.com. Even more importantly, each survey company is broken down to it's own page where you can view, and rate, individual experiences with each paid online survey company. You don't have to take my word for it!
So, here's a little video to whet your whistle. The other great thing about this video is that it's stored at Revver.com, which I just discovered today. Revver.com apparently offers a place for your to upload your own videos and get paid to distribute them. Additionally, they will pay you a little something if you help distribute other people's video creations. It's worth checking out. There are some funny videos there.
Ok so here's my Paid Online Survey Video. Please give it a watch and then check out the legitimate survey money making opportunities at SurveyMoneyMakers.com
This undertaking reminds me of my high school study hall class. I got caught whispering during study hall and I questioned authority. The answer I received is that the teachers used to allow talking in study hall until it got out of hand. Apparently, as you can imagine, kids got loud, rambunctious, crazy, wild, and uncontrollable until the rule was made... no talking during study hall. I remember thinking immediately, wow...a few pests ruined it for the rest of us; forever! This paid survey thing is the same way. There are so many people out there claiming to be legitimate just because they make a few bucks, or even cents, if you sign your email box away to 50 million spammers trying to sell you every piece of crap under the sun. So much so, that no one will listen to me. So I've got Google Ads on my website, which help me to fund the free directory, but each and every Online Survey Company listed in my main directory is a legitimate marketing research company, free to join, offering cash, prizes and sweepstakes entries, just for giving your opinion. I take these surveys and I just received a check in the mail today for 20 bucks! For like 30 minutes of my time. That's $40 per hour. Do you make $40 per hour? If you do, I'm sooooo jealous! :P
The point is this: you can't make $40 straight for a week. This isn't going to pay your mortgage. But you can use this as extra money to buy that pair of Nike's you've had your eye on, go out to eat in the middle of a nationwide financial crisis, or simply put it toward the electric bill. There ARE legitimate survey companies out there and they are listed at SurveyMoneyMakers.com. Even more importantly, each survey company is broken down to it's own page where you can view, and rate, individual experiences with each paid online survey company. You don't have to take my word for it!
So, here's a little video to whet your whistle. The other great thing about this video is that it's stored at Revver.com, which I just discovered today. Revver.com apparently offers a place for your to upload your own videos and get paid to distribute them. Additionally, they will pay you a little something if you help distribute other people's video creations. It's worth checking out. There are some funny videos there.
Ok so here's my Paid Online Survey Video. Please give it a watch and then check out the legitimate survey money making opportunities at SurveyMoneyMakers.com

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
How to Have the Best Halloween Ever!
If you want some great tips on how to have a super dooper crazy fun Halloween, here are some tips....
Tip 1. Don't buy pumpkins from the grocery store! Make an event of traveling to your local pumpkin farm to pick out your own! You can usually find listings in the phone book, or on the internet, for the closest pumpkin farms to your home. Get a bunch of kids, or friends, or both, and someone with a truck or sizable trunk, to get together and carpool for a pumpkin-picking party. Be sure you pick up enough for all the adventures, and a few extra in case those pesky pumpkin smashers target your home!
Tip 2. Have a pumpkin carving (or painting) party. This can be done anytime before or on the holiday. Invite everyone you know to join you, and you can provide refreshments, or have people bring potluck. Everyone should bring their own pumpkin, as well, but you might want to have a few extra on hand, just in case! Enjoy the fun of watching everyone carve their favorite style of pumpkin. You can post fun rules for original carvings only, or you can provide or allow pumpkin-carving stencils for everyone's enjoyment. Have a vote and give away a little Halloween prize to the winner. Save all the seeds. See the next step for ideas.
Tip 3. There are many recipes available, and ways to cook pumpkin seeds. Recipe books are available at retail stores this time of year, or you could Google terms like 'roasted pumpkin seeds,' 'spicy pumpkin seeds,' 'how to cook pumpkin seeds.' There are also some great articles here on e-how for pumpkin seed recipes.
Click here to read the rest...
Tip 1. Don't buy pumpkins from the grocery store! Make an event of traveling to your local pumpkin farm to pick out your own! You can usually find listings in the phone book, or on the internet, for the closest pumpkin farms to your home. Get a bunch of kids, or friends, or both, and someone with a truck or sizable trunk, to get together and carpool for a pumpkin-picking party. Be sure you pick up enough for all the adventures, and a few extra in case those pesky pumpkin smashers target your home!
Tip 2. Have a pumpkin carving (or painting) party. This can be done anytime before or on the holiday. Invite everyone you know to join you, and you can provide refreshments, or have people bring potluck. Everyone should bring their own pumpkin, as well, but you might want to have a few extra on hand, just in case! Enjoy the fun of watching everyone carve their favorite style of pumpkin. You can post fun rules for original carvings only, or you can provide or allow pumpkin-carving stencils for everyone's enjoyment. Have a vote and give away a little Halloween prize to the winner. Save all the seeds. See the next step for ideas.
Tip 3. There are many recipes available, and ways to cook pumpkin seeds. Recipe books are available at retail stores this time of year, or you could Google terms like 'roasted pumpkin seeds,' 'spicy pumpkin seeds,' 'how to cook pumpkin seeds.' There are also some great articles here on e-how for pumpkin seed recipes.
Click here to read the rest...
Zany Zodiacs Offbeat Survey
Check it out...it's crazy, it's wacky, it's ZANY! Click the link to take the Zany Zodiacs Offbeat Survey, and please forward this post to all your friends! Don't forget MySpace. :)
Click HERE for survey
Have fun!
Click HERE for survey
Have fun!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Bending Spoons with Telekinesis
Okay, so today I learned about bending spoons. Surely you've heard of such a thing! This process is called Telekinesis or Psychokinesis, and is the process of direct influence of the mind on a physical system, ie: bending spoons! I read a little about it and then announced to my husband that I was off to bend a spoon. My husband is full of energy and crazy information, to the point where he can put a hand on an ache of mine and it immediately goes away, or tickly our son's feet without touching them. And he's not even trying to do this stuff. So I knew immediately that he'd be able to bend a spoon!
I went off to the bedroom to focus on my spoon. Meanwhile, I hear him out in the living room watching a YouTube video about bending spoons. LOL! About 10 minutes later, he comes into the bedroom and presents to me, a spoon wound, and tightly coiled around itself about 4 times. He grabs the (unbent) spoon from my hand, being the abrupt and mischevious person that he is, and proceeds to do it again, right in front of my face. Unbelieveable! ...and totally awesome!
He's done three now, and I haven't done one. I'm still working on it! As soon as I get batteries for my camera, I'll post a picture of the three he bent. Meanwhile, I'd like to hear your stories on Telekinesis (TK) or Psychokinesis (PK). And if you'd like more information, check out this YouTube Video
I went off to the bedroom to focus on my spoon. Meanwhile, I hear him out in the living room watching a YouTube video about bending spoons. LOL! About 10 minutes later, he comes into the bedroom and presents to me, a spoon wound, and tightly coiled around itself about 4 times. He grabs the (unbent) spoon from my hand, being the abrupt and mischevious person that he is, and proceeds to do it again, right in front of my face. Unbelieveable! ...and totally awesome!
He's done three now, and I haven't done one. I'm still working on it! As soon as I get batteries for my camera, I'll post a picture of the three he bent. Meanwhile, I'd like to hear your stories on Telekinesis (TK) or Psychokinesis (PK). And if you'd like more information, check out this YouTube Video
Something a little different....
I've recently discovered ehow.com, a website that offers how-to articles on anything you can possibly think of, and they pay money to the authors, and freelance writers, based on several unidentified factors. I've written a few articles, and I thought you might be interested in this one. I'll be writing more in the coming days, and I'll get further into clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychic powers, etc.
Below is an excerpt. If you'd like the read the whole thing, please click this link: CLICK HERE for How to Lose a Little Weight Without Dieting
All the things you hear and read about losing weight the healthy way are pretty much true. Eat less, get more exercise, don't overeat. But, it's all easier said than done. This guide will give you more specific insight into tips on taking one step at a time to change bad habits, and create new habits that will help your body to return to a more healthy weight.
The first step is not absolutely necessary, but may make this process a little easier for you. Get a pen and paper, (or create a document on your computer) and write a bit. This won't be a list of how many pounds you want to lose, or all the mistakes you've made to gain the weight. Really think about what your specific issues are. Do you overeat? Do you eat emotionally? (to make up for something that's missing.) Do you sit on the couch all day, never seeing the light of day? What are your habits? Being aware of deeper and underlying issues, and making note of current habits will shed some light on your current situation and may help to bring ideas on the pressing issues that need change.
Always make a list before you go to the grocery store, and eat before you go. That sounds like a no-brainer, but it's really true. If you go without a plan, you'll end up buying things you don't need and forgetting things you do need. If you go hungry, everything in the store will look appealing, and you'll end up going home with food you really didn't want or need. If you don't buy something, you won't have it in the cupboard as a choice the next time you go for the snack or the quick meal. This leads us to the next step.
CLICK HERE to read more
Below is an excerpt. If you'd like the read the whole thing, please click this link: CLICK HERE for How to Lose a Little Weight Without Dieting
All the things you hear and read about losing weight the healthy way are pretty much true. Eat less, get more exercise, don't overeat. But, it's all easier said than done. This guide will give you more specific insight into tips on taking one step at a time to change bad habits, and create new habits that will help your body to return to a more healthy weight.
The first step is not absolutely necessary, but may make this process a little easier for you. Get a pen and paper, (or create a document on your computer) and write a bit. This won't be a list of how many pounds you want to lose, or all the mistakes you've made to gain the weight. Really think about what your specific issues are. Do you overeat? Do you eat emotionally? (to make up for something that's missing.) Do you sit on the couch all day, never seeing the light of day? What are your habits? Being aware of deeper and underlying issues, and making note of current habits will shed some light on your current situation and may help to bring ideas on the pressing issues that need change.
Always make a list before you go to the grocery store, and eat before you go. That sounds like a no-brainer, but it's really true. If you go without a plan, you'll end up buying things you don't need and forgetting things you do need. If you go hungry, everything in the store will look appealing, and you'll end up going home with food you really didn't want or need. If you don't buy something, you won't have it in the cupboard as a choice the next time you go for the snack or the quick meal. This leads us to the next step.
CLICK HERE to read more
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Zany Zodiacs Widget!
Get your widget FREE! Help spread the word about Zany Zodiacs Free Weekly Horoscopes. As you can see, I've added my own Zany Zodiacs widget to the sidebar on the right. You can click the 'Get Widget' button at the bottom of that one, or simply click this link to go directly there - Get Zany Zodiacs Widget.
Once you're there, you'll be able to select your own astrology sign from the dropdown on the right. What's Ur Zign? Tell the world with your new Zany Zodiacs Free Weekly Horoscopes Widget!
You can always click the links at the bottom of the widget to visit the Official Zany Zodiacs Website or askShar. Show us some love!
Once you're there, you'll be able to select your own astrology sign from the dropdown on the right. What's Ur Zign? Tell the world with your new Zany Zodiacs Free Weekly Horoscopes Widget!
You can always click the links at the bottom of the widget to visit the Official Zany Zodiacs Website or askShar. Show us some love!
ZZ Horoscopes 10/12 - 10/18
This week's horoscopes are currently posted at the official Zany Zodiacs Website. Come by and check them out. Feel free to leave comments here. What's Ur Zign? My favorites for this week are Gemini, Libra and Capricorn.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Contact with Spirits? Clairaudience?
My reason for this post is three-fold. I would like to catch interest of people who might already be in contact with spirits, people who have always wanted to be able to contact spirits, and people who might have already heard from spirits, but just don't know it yet. I had an experience the other night that was thrilling and freaky and odd, all at the same time.
I was lying in bed, preparing for sleep by reading a book, as always. The material I was reading was spiritual in nature, but only general. I was reading away and suddenly realized that a sound had just passed through my mind. I had originally disregared it, as I realized I have done my whole life, as something that just happens in the mind as it's falling asleep. I was quite awake, however, so this explanation didn't really apply. I have been ignoring signs of a psychic nature my whole life, as it turns out. I thought they were 'normal' and therefore must happen to anybody.
Does this ever happen to you? You're lying in bed and you're almost asleep and a sound jolts you awake, normally making you jump out of your skin. You know, for sure, that this sound came from inside your head, but you don't know what it was or what caused it? You might get out of bed to check the house for intruders anyway, knowing full well that the sound was not of an outside nature?! This happens to me frequently. Usually, it sounds like one of two things; either a fly buzzing by my head, or a box dropping to the floor. Recently, it actually happened to my husband and I simultaneously. I looked over and said, 'Did you hear that?' He was already picking his head up to look around, and replied that he had heard the sound. I did, at that point, get up to check the house, but we both knew it wasn't an 'outside' sound.
The other vivid memory I have of this was as a child. I remember hearing the sound of a train, over and over and over. It got so bad I put the pillow over my head to make it go away, but of course this only worsened the eerie sound, since it was inside my head. I didn't tell my parents or anyone because, though my mother wouldn't have disbelieved me, or thought I was crazy, I thought she wouldn't have known what it was or why it had happened, and I didn't want to risk the feeling of rejection.
This brings me back to my experience the other night. I heard the sound of a voice and, out of habit, immediately dismissed it. Since I've been studying with my friend Shar, it occurred to me that this might be something to pay attention to. When I rewound my thoughts about 3 seconds back, I realized this was in fact a voice; my first recollection of an actual voice. A voice, to me, is much more exciting and worth talking about than just a sound. It was a man's voice and though I cannot remember exactly what he said....good time for a journal beside the bed...it was something like 'I've already done it.' He was sort of shouting, and even though my hairs were standing on end, I attempted to get him to communicate again. He did not.
Upon revealing my situation to Shar, she tapped into her own powers and told me that she believed this person to be alive now, and that I may have been hearing someone who wasn't aware of his own power to communicate. Therefore, when I asked him to continue, he wasn't sure how to do so. She also mentioned that this experience will stay with him, and his life will begin to make positive changes because of it. WOW, I say! That's big stuff.
I haven't had the experience again, but I'll sure keep you up to date when I do. Please, feel free to share your own stories regarding clairaudience and/or contact with other spirits.
I was lying in bed, preparing for sleep by reading a book, as always. The material I was reading was spiritual in nature, but only general. I was reading away and suddenly realized that a sound had just passed through my mind. I had originally disregared it, as I realized I have done my whole life, as something that just happens in the mind as it's falling asleep. I was quite awake, however, so this explanation didn't really apply. I have been ignoring signs of a psychic nature my whole life, as it turns out. I thought they were 'normal' and therefore must happen to anybody.
Does this ever happen to you? You're lying in bed and you're almost asleep and a sound jolts you awake, normally making you jump out of your skin. You know, for sure, that this sound came from inside your head, but you don't know what it was or what caused it? You might get out of bed to check the house for intruders anyway, knowing full well that the sound was not of an outside nature?! This happens to me frequently. Usually, it sounds like one of two things; either a fly buzzing by my head, or a box dropping to the floor. Recently, it actually happened to my husband and I simultaneously. I looked over and said, 'Did you hear that?' He was already picking his head up to look around, and replied that he had heard the sound. I did, at that point, get up to check the house, but we both knew it wasn't an 'outside' sound.
The other vivid memory I have of this was as a child. I remember hearing the sound of a train, over and over and over. It got so bad I put the pillow over my head to make it go away, but of course this only worsened the eerie sound, since it was inside my head. I didn't tell my parents or anyone because, though my mother wouldn't have disbelieved me, or thought I was crazy, I thought she wouldn't have known what it was or why it had happened, and I didn't want to risk the feeling of rejection.
This brings me back to my experience the other night. I heard the sound of a voice and, out of habit, immediately dismissed it. Since I've been studying with my friend Shar, it occurred to me that this might be something to pay attention to. When I rewound my thoughts about 3 seconds back, I realized this was in fact a voice; my first recollection of an actual voice. A voice, to me, is much more exciting and worth talking about than just a sound. It was a man's voice and though I cannot remember exactly what he said....good time for a journal beside the bed...it was something like 'I've already done it.' He was sort of shouting, and even though my hairs were standing on end, I attempted to get him to communicate again. He did not.
Upon revealing my situation to Shar, she tapped into her own powers and told me that she believed this person to be alive now, and that I may have been hearing someone who wasn't aware of his own power to communicate. Therefore, when I asked him to continue, he wasn't sure how to do so. She also mentioned that this experience will stay with him, and his life will begin to make positive changes because of it. WOW, I say! That's big stuff.
I haven't had the experience again, but I'll sure keep you up to date when I do. Please, feel free to share your own stories regarding clairaudience and/or contact with other spirits.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Kill them with kindness.....
I've just posted an article on ehow.com. This site is pretty cool and has how-to articles for just about anything you could ever want to know how-to do. And if it's not there, they encourage you to write it! Here is the link to my article on How To Kill Them With Kindness...... enjoy.
Click here to view article
Click here to view article
Monday, October 6, 2008
Shar is AMAZING!
The forums are up at askShar.com. I can't say enough about this beautiful soul. Shar is gifted beyond belief, and has so much knowledge, spirit, and connection. I've had questions galore for her lately, as I'm just learning my own spiritual gifts. Apparently, we all have psychic gifts, and I'm finding out that all the weird stuff that's been happening to me my whole life is really connected to something deeper and more knowing. I'm expanding my attention to my intuition, which we all have, and when focused on, your intuition can guide you to joy, happiness and more meaning for your everyday life. My gut feelings have always been strong, but nowadays we tend to just brush them aside as fleeting thoughts, much like the fleeting thoughts of busy traffic, and hatred of grocery shopping. But when you get that flicker of a reaction in your gut, you should take a moment to acknowledge it. It can provide answers to you that you didn't know were available without paying a therapist hundreds of dollars!!
I've been having vivid dreams lately, too, as has my husband. I've gone to Shar for clarification, and she's actually sharing her dreams with me as well. Some of the explanations are posted on the forum. We've got several categories to post to, including Law of Attraction experiences, Dream Interpretation, Psychic Gifts Exploration, etc. A portion of our forum is free, and we're having a grand opening special until the end of October, giving 50% off the subscription fee for the paid portion of the forums.
Please join us at the askShar.com forums. This realm of reality is so magical, so much fun, and together we are changing the world!
I've been having vivid dreams lately, too, as has my husband. I've gone to Shar for clarification, and she's actually sharing her dreams with me as well. Some of the explanations are posted on the forum. We've got several categories to post to, including Law of Attraction experiences, Dream Interpretation, Psychic Gifts Exploration, etc. A portion of our forum is free, and we're having a grand opening special until the end of October, giving 50% off the subscription fee for the paid portion of the forums.
Please join us at the askShar.com forums. This realm of reality is so magical, so much fun, and together we are changing the world!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
What’s Ur Zign?
Weekly Zany Zodiacs for Sunday, October 5th to Saturday, October 11th, 2008
Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)
Sometimes we get caught up in events that only scratch the surface of the reality within. This week you’ll need to look a little deeper than what you see and hear on the surface. Any time you sense ill feelings and your mind (or your mouth) wants to spin out of control, put your immediate reaction on pause, and look a little deeper inside the situation at hand. You’ll be able to reveal colder and harder facts that are creating or prolonging these unpleasant events. The truth is right there. Acknowledge it and you’ll be met with a pleasant reward for your efforts. What you are looking for, you will find.
Your focus this week: Learning to pause
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Ocean Waves
Taurus (Apr20- May 20)
You’ve done well. Even if it feels like you’re still up to your ears in work, bills, stress… stop for just a moment and reflect on what you’ve accomplished. Upon careful inspection, you’ll see where you’ve been in control of calming the seas and creating a balanced environment. Focus on recreating that control with other areas of your life. It’s easier than you think and with some practice, you’ll have complete control of your own ship, at all times, during every storm.
Your focus this week: Reflection
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Organic Chemist
Gemini (May21 - Jun20)
You may not think so, but you’re doing a wonderful job cleaning house and ridding your immediate environment of the stench from that last project! Yes, it lingered for a while, but at this point, you can stand back and let go. There’s a bigger plan for you, and you’re making it happen. Small steps are always small successes; even if they don’t feel that way. An Organic Chemist knows that! Keep looking forward and taking advantage of every small step. Soon those ‘goofs’ of the past will reveal themselves as integral pieces of your grand invention!
Your focus this week: Release
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Cancer (Jun21 - Jul22)
Nowadays there’s so much to do, and so many things going on, that we have a tendency to ignore the little pains and ouchies. If you’re having a weird or persistent issue, especially with your stomach, this is a sign. Your body is sending you a message! Find a moment, just a moment, for yourself this week. Quiet your mind and focus on the parts of your body that don’t feel free from pain or stress. Acknowledge spots of tenderness, weakness, and discomfort, and send love straight to the source. If it feels strange and silly, just don’t tell anyone what you’re doing! You’ll find that this practice will help your mind focus when you’re faced with issues that require a decision. Positive thinking creates personal power.
Your focus this week: Acknowledging discomfort
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Two-Way Mirror
Leo (Jul23 - Aug22)
This week you could be faced with yet another fight or flight situation where your first choice is to turn on your heel and never look back. Sometimes it just seems easier to throw it away and start fresh, but this week your job is to switch it up and be in charge of your own thoughts. You can’t control how other people treat you, but you can control how you perceive it. It sounds difficult, and it does take some practice, but instead of looking through your mirror, let it reflect who you really are and stand firm. You know your strengths and your weaknesses. Focus on your strength and appreciate all that you are. When you give off that vibe, watch how other people react!
Your focus this week: Taking Charge
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Cuckoo Clock
Virgo (Aug23 - Sep22)
If you haven’t done so already, take a moment to look over some recent situations you’ve encountered. Your decision-making skills have affected the outcome and your pendulum solidly swings, right in balance. Rejoice at the growth! You might have felt a little cuckoo getting here, but you know good and well that you’re on the right track. You feel it, even if other people refuse to give in. Ignore the naysayers right now and continue to reach for new opportunities. You’re in creative mode. Let the ideas flow.
Your focus this week: Creation
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Libra (Sep23 - Oct22)
A bit of work still needs to be done to loosen you up, and get you feeling like your old self. This time of year may be difficult for you, but understand that change is always necessary for growth. Growth is necessary for accomplishment. And boy, Scarecrow, you’ve got so much you want to accomplish. Dream big and let go. The people around you giving negative vibes are doing the best they can. Trust yourself to forgive them and be free of guilt and blame. Admit what you learned from the past and go forward for the win.
Your focus this week: Loosening Up
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Double Dagger, Scorpio (Oct23 - Nov21)
Are you feeling stuck again? For you this week, the fastest way to freedom is through movement. Whether you invite your best adversary to match weapons, or lead a mad sprint through the mall parking lot, your mind needs to get a jolt from your physical body. Once you meet with the rush of exercise, mental blockages will be freed, and you’ll have a fresh outlook for the future. Stay still and the universe will wake you up one way or the other. To avoid an unpleasant scenario, plan to take as many moments as possible to move and shake.
Your focus this week: Movement
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Party Hat, Sagittarius (Nov22 - Dec21)
Does it seem like suddenly the party’s over? Well, it may be for now, but what a great time to take a break!! You may already know that you do best with periods of replenishment. That time is now. Hesitate to be impulsive. And those around you who count on that party spirit need to know this week is for resting. Chill out and learn some breathing exercises. This is necessary for accomplishment of bigger, better and longer lasting festivities. Did you know that just 15 minutes of a relaxing exercise can add 30 minutes or more to your day? The focus and clarity gained while relaxing your body and spirit will reward you greatly. Try it and see.
Your focus this week: Relaxation
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Brass Gavel, Capricorn (Dec22 - Jan19)
Well, you know that old saying, ‘when one door shuts, another one opens.’ You may feel like doors are shutting all around you. It’s not necessary for you to wait for another to open. You’ve got the power. You’ve got the gavel. You’re in control. Choose one to open and walk right in. Take a deep breath and see what lies before you. Pick up the good stuff, and walk straight past the rest. It’s all up to you, and you know what to do. Enjoy every moment, because you get to make the choices.
Your focus this week: Opportunity
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Starburst, Aquarius (Jan20 - Feb18)
Oh Starburst…this week you are the North Star! You shine bright and you sit high in the sky. Everything could be crumbling around you, but you are left standing without feeling the slightest tremor. One of your fancies will play out this week, if only even just a bit. Your ideas are catching, and someone special is paying attention. You’ll be given a clue that will send you to the moon and back. A peek into the future of your wildest dreams. Pay close attention. You won’t want to miss any ounce of possibility.
Your focus this week: Reaching for the stars
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Autumn Leaf, Pisces (Feb19 - Mar20)
If you ever needed an invisible cloak of protection it’s now, and the universe has got your back! It’s more than slightly difficult to look for something invisible, so listen for the subtle hints. You’re being guided, as your colors are transforming. Subtle breezes and whispers in your mind will lead the way, and help you to make some tough decisions. Just keep reminding yourself that the anticipation of change is harder than making the change itself. Get over that hurdle, and any high winds will subside.
Your focus this week: Comfort
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What’s Ur Zign?
Weekly Zany Zodiacs for Sunday, October 5th to Saturday, October 11th, 2008
Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)
Sometimes we get caught up in events that only scratch the surface of the reality within. This week you’ll need to look a little deeper than what you see and hear on the surface. Any time you sense ill feelings and your mind (or your mouth) wants to spin out of control, put your immediate reaction on pause, and look a little deeper inside the situation at hand. You’ll be able to reveal colder and harder facts that are creating or prolonging these unpleasant events. The truth is right there. Acknowledge it and you’ll be met with a pleasant reward for your efforts. What you are looking for, you will find.
Your focus this week: Learning to pause
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Ocean Waves
Taurus (Apr20- May 20)
You’ve done well. Even if it feels like you’re still up to your ears in work, bills, stress… stop for just a moment and reflect on what you’ve accomplished. Upon careful inspection, you’ll see where you’ve been in control of calming the seas and creating a balanced environment. Focus on recreating that control with other areas of your life. It’s easier than you think and with some practice, you’ll have complete control of your own ship, at all times, during every storm.
Your focus this week: Reflection
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Organic Chemist
Gemini (May21 - Jun20)
You may not think so, but you’re doing a wonderful job cleaning house and ridding your immediate environment of the stench from that last project! Yes, it lingered for a while, but at this point, you can stand back and let go. There’s a bigger plan for you, and you’re making it happen. Small steps are always small successes; even if they don’t feel that way. An Organic Chemist knows that! Keep looking forward and taking advantage of every small step. Soon those ‘goofs’ of the past will reveal themselves as integral pieces of your grand invention!
Your focus this week: Release
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Cancer (Jun21 - Jul22)
Nowadays there’s so much to do, and so many things going on, that we have a tendency to ignore the little pains and ouchies. If you’re having a weird or persistent issue, especially with your stomach, this is a sign. Your body is sending you a message! Find a moment, just a moment, for yourself this week. Quiet your mind and focus on the parts of your body that don’t feel free from pain or stress. Acknowledge spots of tenderness, weakness, and discomfort, and send love straight to the source. If it feels strange and silly, just don’t tell anyone what you’re doing! You’ll find that this practice will help your mind focus when you’re faced with issues that require a decision. Positive thinking creates personal power.
Your focus this week: Acknowledging discomfort
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Two-Way Mirror
Leo (Jul23 - Aug22)
This week you could be faced with yet another fight or flight situation where your first choice is to turn on your heel and never look back. Sometimes it just seems easier to throw it away and start fresh, but this week your job is to switch it up and be in charge of your own thoughts. You can’t control how other people treat you, but you can control how you perceive it. It sounds difficult, and it does take some practice, but instead of looking through your mirror, let it reflect who you really are and stand firm. You know your strengths and your weaknesses. Focus on your strength and appreciate all that you are. When you give off that vibe, watch how other people react!
Your focus this week: Taking Charge
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Cuckoo Clock
Virgo (Aug23 - Sep22)
If you haven’t done so already, take a moment to look over some recent situations you’ve encountered. Your decision-making skills have affected the outcome and your pendulum solidly swings, right in balance. Rejoice at the growth! You might have felt a little cuckoo getting here, but you know good and well that you’re on the right track. You feel it, even if other people refuse to give in. Ignore the naysayers right now and continue to reach for new opportunities. You’re in creative mode. Let the ideas flow.
Your focus this week: Creation
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Libra (Sep23 - Oct22)
A bit of work still needs to be done to loosen you up, and get you feeling like your old self. This time of year may be difficult for you, but understand that change is always necessary for growth. Growth is necessary for accomplishment. And boy, Scarecrow, you’ve got so much you want to accomplish. Dream big and let go. The people around you giving negative vibes are doing the best they can. Trust yourself to forgive them and be free of guilt and blame. Admit what you learned from the past and go forward for the win.
Your focus this week: Loosening Up
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Double Dagger, Scorpio (Oct23 - Nov21)
Are you feeling stuck again? For you this week, the fastest way to freedom is through movement. Whether you invite your best adversary to match weapons, or lead a mad sprint through the mall parking lot, your mind needs to get a jolt from your physical body. Once you meet with the rush of exercise, mental blockages will be freed, and you’ll have a fresh outlook for the future. Stay still and the universe will wake you up one way or the other. To avoid an unpleasant scenario, plan to take as many moments as possible to move and shake.
Your focus this week: Movement
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Party Hat, Sagittarius (Nov22 - Dec21)
Does it seem like suddenly the party’s over? Well, it may be for now, but what a great time to take a break!! You may already know that you do best with periods of replenishment. That time is now. Hesitate to be impulsive. And those around you who count on that party spirit need to know this week is for resting. Chill out and learn some breathing exercises. This is necessary for accomplishment of bigger, better and longer lasting festivities. Did you know that just 15 minutes of a relaxing exercise can add 30 minutes or more to your day? The focus and clarity gained while relaxing your body and spirit will reward you greatly. Try it and see.
Your focus this week: Relaxation
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Brass Gavel, Capricorn (Dec22 - Jan19)
Well, you know that old saying, ‘when one door shuts, another one opens.’ You may feel like doors are shutting all around you. It’s not necessary for you to wait for another to open. You’ve got the power. You’ve got the gavel. You’re in control. Choose one to open and walk right in. Take a deep breath and see what lies before you. Pick up the good stuff, and walk straight past the rest. It’s all up to you, and you know what to do. Enjoy every moment, because you get to make the choices.
Your focus this week: Opportunity
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Starburst, Aquarius (Jan20 - Feb18)
Oh Starburst…this week you are the North Star! You shine bright and you sit high in the sky. Everything could be crumbling around you, but you are left standing without feeling the slightest tremor. One of your fancies will play out this week, if only even just a bit. Your ideas are catching, and someone special is paying attention. You’ll be given a clue that will send you to the moon and back. A peek into the future of your wildest dreams. Pay close attention. You won’t want to miss any ounce of possibility.
Your focus this week: Reaching for the stars
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Autumn Leaf, Pisces (Feb19 - Mar20)
If you ever needed an invisible cloak of protection it’s now, and the universe has got your back! It’s more than slightly difficult to look for something invisible, so listen for the subtle hints. You’re being guided, as your colors are transforming. Subtle breezes and whispers in your mind will lead the way, and help you to make some tough decisions. Just keep reminding yourself that the anticipation of change is harder than making the change itself. Get over that hurdle, and any high winds will subside.
Your focus this week: Comfort
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